Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Easy Riders
Oil on board, 6.5" x 5.75"
$125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US.

Two ravens riding thermals at the Grand Canyon.

There's something a little absurd about depicting the Grand Canyon in a tiny painting, isn't there? I kind of like it.


Suzanne McDermott said...

Ooooh... very nice.

Anonymous said...

And the ravens don't even know they're in an iconic setting--just having fun. Loved to watch hawks riding the thermals from Mt. Harris lookout. --Anne Thrower

Sherry DeGhelder said...

A small package but what a grand vista.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Suzanne!

Don Gray said...

Having fun--exactly! I watched this pair for quite awhile. They would hang in the air, buffeted by the updrafts, seemingly for the sheer joy of it.

Don Gray said...

Hi Sherry--thanks so much.

Austin Maloney said...

I like your take on wide open spaces.

Don Gray said...

Thanks for coming by, Austin.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Wow, Don! So beautiful... a grand painting.

Don Gray said...

Diana--so kind of you to say--thanks!

Frank Gardner said...

This one is really nice Don. The Grand Canyon in a tiny format is what I like about it. Really like how the dark birds really give you the sense of depth.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Frank. When you think about it, what difference is it whether a painting of the Grand Canyon is 6 inches wide or 60 feet? They are still just "souvenirs" compared to experiencing that incredible place.