Thursday, January 3, 2008

Waiting for Breakfast

Watercolor on archival paper, 7"x5"
$125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US.


Nick said...

Great work! I like it a lot, and nice to find out about you.

Don Gray said...

Nick, thanks so much for stopping by. Your work is awesome. Congrats on the NWS award!

D. Sisson said...

Don, this watercolor is simply wonderful! I love the cows. I also want you to know that you've been "tagged" which means to link back to my blog for instructions to continuing playing the game. Great work!

Mike said...

Whew! You must have had sweats with this one, Don! Complex!! A great job with a tuff subject!

Don Gray said...

Thank you, Debra. I'll drop you an email.

Don Gray said...

Mike, thanks for stopping in and for the kind comment. Your enthusiasm is contagious!