Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mt. Emily

Oil on linen canvas, 11" x 14"

Email me for purchase information.

A larger painting today. Spring has sprung at last. I was thinking what suckers we who live in northerly climates are. We go through one of the toughest winters in recent history; everyone's tired of it and starting to complain bitterly; threatening to move to Hawaii and never look back. Then suddenly the hills and fields sprout glorious green grass, cherry trees load up with blossoms, meadows are dotted with daffodils...and for that great kindness of nature, all is forgiven.


Anonymous said...

The brilliant Spring greens of Oregon are sensational. You've captured it. Last week the hills in Ashland, OR, were covered in purple blooms amid bright green grass.

Don Gray said...

Hi Silvina, thanks for your comments. Glad you had a good trip to Oregon. Ashland is a neat town in a beautiful area.

Frank Gardner said...

Man Don. Amazing light in this one. Beautiful scene. You have made that sun light up the whole scene and warm up all of that green.
Wish I could click that button on this one.

Anonymous said...

Very nice work, Don. You should move south.

I'm from Iowa and after living in California for 2 years could not imagine going back to being cold for months.

Believe it or not, there are some beautiful places that are warm.

Don Gray said...

Frank, I sure appreciate your thoughts--thanks so much.

Don Gray said...

Actually Bill, we just came back to Oregon after living in southern California (Murrieta)for 7 years (What were we thinking?) No, in truth I did miss the changing seasons and do appreciate winter. It just went on a bit long this year and besides, you gotta have something to gripe about, right? Thanks for your note.

Sheila Vaughan said...

Don, you really are the Master of landscapes. All the subtle variations in the greens there and that wonderful golden glow that Frank remarked on, giving a promise of a beautiful day to come. Like you we get those long, drab winters in the north of England (often without the added excitement of snow) but when the sun does shine I think we really appreciate it!

Nick said...

that's a smoker, Don!

Don Gray said...

Thanks Sheila. It's true, isn't it? One has a profound appreciation for a sunny day if it is preceded by a lot of cloudy ones.

Don Gray said...

Glad you like it, Nick--thanks a lot!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Yes your statement is SO true! It was a really long winter this year but spring is here now and it is indeed beautiful. Maybe even more so than usual because of all the snow that watered the earth, and how grateful we are to be done with winter!

Don Gray said...

Thanks for your thoughts, Diana.

Anonymous said...

Was thinking this painting looked like the embodiment of the word "hope" before I even read your description... Love your paintings, just signed up for the emails..