Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ocean Waves 10

Oil on board, 6" x 6"
$125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US.

I've been working on some larger pieces and commissions, so the small paintings are a little less frequent lately. I will try to post one every two or three days, if I can. Here's another in the Ocean Waves series.


Suzanne McDermott said...

Hi Don. Thanks for coming by my painting blog. I've been enjoying these Ocean Waves immensely!

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Suzanne.

Helen Read said...

Lovely ocean scenes!

Jason Waskey said...

I like it! And the one before it, too. I think that you're nailing coastal atmosphere perfectly well.

(This one looks like Oregon to me too- I think it's the color of the sand...)

Don Gray said...

Hi Helen, thanks for the visit.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Jason, I appreciate your comments. It's SoCal shoreline, so probably what you're seeing is my inability to paint proper SoCal sand.

Jason Waskey said...

I doubt it's any failure on your part, Don. More likely it's just that I've spent far too much time on Oregon beaches, and I have a failure of imagination...

In any case, makes me hunger for the shore.

Maybe I ought to drag myself and the easel out there soon...!