| Field's Edge
Oil on board, 6" x 6" $125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US. |
| Leaving the Ancestor series for awhile.
Brenda and I bought a beautiful piece of property last summer near the small town of Cove, Oregon, and hope to be able to build a home on it next year. We go over there all the time to hang out and dream. This is the view from the future front porch. | |
Whoa - it is lovely. Painting from that front porch will be so much fun. I expect the wife will bring you coffee if she isn't painting herself.
Beautiful! Don't you love the Autumn light? It's so inspiring. So where on the property is the house?
Nice color and the vibrant brush strokes are fun too. Looks like you're laying it on thick, Don. :)
I am happy for you. I can see Oregon from my house! Almost...I am in Washington. Barb
Thanks, Bill. My wife is kindhearted and I know would be glad to bring me coffee on the porch...unless I were to demand it, in which case she would probably pour it in my slippers!...while I'm wearing them!!
Katherine--you certainly know how lovely that piece of ground is! Would like to hear your siting ideas/suggestions.
Hi Brian--thanks. I've often been accused of laying it on a little thick. :>)
Barb, you can see Oregon from your house, not Russia, right? :>) Thanks for the note.
So glad you picked up on that comment. I am going to really miss Sara if they arent elected! Barb
So will Tina Fey and SNL, Barb :>)
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