Sunday, October 26, 2008

Willow Glow

Acrylic on board, 5" x 7"
$125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US.
Available for purchase starting 10/26/08, 12 noon PST

Sitting still in the woods, one gains a heightened awareness of subtle motion. Limbs stir gently in the breeze. Dry leaves flutter soundlessly to the ground. Gleaming waters course unhurried detours around dark rocks. Sunlight sets a delicate willow limb aglow for a few heartbeats, then moves on.


Anonymous said...

I love the deep, rich glow in your last couple of offerings. It is a dramatic contrast to the delicate Wyeth-like light treatments in your pictures such as "The Intruder." Thanks!

Don Gray said...

Thanks for the kind remarks, Graham.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

that little glowing willow branch makes it really special.

Don Gray said...

I appreciate it, Mary.