Wednesday, February 18, 2009

High Valley Fields

Watercolor on paper, 5 1/2" x 6 1/4"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.

Brenda and I wheeled out of our little burg Saturday for a long Valentine's weekend in Portland. It was a good change of pace--we were both showing some signs of cabin fever. Two of our kids live there, so it's always fun to see them.

I have some video of the visit, but for some reason the internet connection is horribly slow right now. I'll try to upload it tomorrow.


Dean Grey said...

Wow Don, this one is lovely!

Very simple looking landscape yet there appears to be a ton of details if you look closely.

Looking over your past pieces it seems you like using a lot of blues and browns in your work. I really love that color combination!

It works wonderfully here.

Something about the colors used in this painting really caught my eye. Tranquil, soothing, calming all come to mind.

Really nice job!


Micah Neff said...

I really love this one. What a wonderful sense of huge space and cold. Am drowning in colour theory here in PA (self inflicted lol). This one so inspiring.

Manuel Macarrulla said...

Each one of these little things of yours is such a sensitive little vision. I also liked that link of yours in which you show the large mural with Mr. Lincoln in it. That tells me you handle quite a range. Large figure murals are also a passion of mine. I'd like to have had more opportunities in that area, as well. Anyway, keep up the good work. I'll be interested to see your stuff as long as you keep delivering it. If I could I would also buy it. Maybe in the future.

Don Gray said...

Dean--welcome to my blog and thanks for the encouraging words. I guess that blue/brown color combination does appear quite a lot, mainly because it is so prevalent in the landscape here this time of year.

Good luck with your art, you're doing some nice work.

Don Gray said...

Micah, thanks for your comments. Hope you swim safely to shore! :^}

Don Gray said...

Manuel, thanks for your words, I appreciate your thoughtful comments. I spent some time on your site and see that you have a lot of range yourself--I'm pleased to get acquainted with your work. I enjoy your writing as well.

martha miller said...


Gerald Schwartz said...

Don, This is exquisite, all that you captured like a poem with few words, with a powerful message.

Jala Pfaff said...

Wow, this is beautiful and very Wyeth.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Martha!

Don Gray said...

Nice of you to say, Gerald--thanks.

Don Gray said...

Jala, thanks very much. I enjoyed getting acquainted with your art and blog.

Leslie Sealey said...

Wow, this one is amazing! I love the abstract shapes, and the color palette you used.

Marian Fortunati said...

This kinda reminds me of a Wyeth...
Really very nice .... !

Don Gray said...

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for the encouragement!

Don Gray said...

Marian, thanks so much.