Friday, May 8, 2009

No painting today, but I spent some time at one of my favorite places in the valley and shot some video:


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful world we live in Don, if only we'd look around and really see. Thank you for sharing your bit of this planet. r.

Dean Grey said...

How beautiful, Don!

I think you're trying to make us all jealous!


Pierre Raby said...

This video is a real piece of art!
A full opened heart statement shot into these amazing surroundings - I enjoyed your subtle attention to details. Thanks Don, a good start to enter the day!

Lynne said...

What a great thing to share with us - your beautiful peaceful wide open birdsong filled world. Loved it. Thanks from one who lives where there's LOTS more traffic!

Sheila said...

I loved the sounds of running water and singing birds. It took me back to my childhood on the farm, I spent many hours down by the pond, exploring for wildlife in and around the surrounding area. It was especially exhilarating after a thunderstorm, water would rush down the ravine into the pond.

Thanks for the memories,

Don H said...

Thanks for the trip down memeory lane. It looks like the Grand Ronde is flowing full and fast

judyart said...

Thank you for that peaceful piece. The "music" in the background was a perfect touch. I could hear the director saying..."OK...cue the birds." LOL!

Micah Neff said...

Where is the water from the pipe coming from?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Don, for that walk on the tranquil side. The ripples in the water were mesmerizing.
Anne Thrower

Susan Beauchemin said...

Very peaceful--I'm hypnotized.

Don Gray said...

You're so right, Rahina. Thanks.

Don Gray said...

HA--Hi Dean! I love Chicago, so sometimes I'm jealous of you being there> :>}

Don Gray said...

Pierre, such encouragement! Thanks so much for those kind thoughts.

Don Gray said...

Hi Lynne--glad the video gave you a little escape. Everything's relative, isn't it? Sometimes it feels a little too remote here. Sometimes I miss the energy and all the "stuff" available in California...but then I think of the freeways--don't miss that!

Don Gray said...

Really glad the video helped you recall some good childhood memories, Sheila. I grew up in this rural environment, so these things tap my childhood too.

Don Gray said...

Hi Don--lots of water flowing in and over the valley floor this time of year, as you well know.

Don Gray said...

"Cue the birds"...I love that! It did kinda feel that way, Judy. Thanks for writing.

Don Gray said...

The pipe drains a barrow pit at the edge of a field. A pump kicks on when the level gets too high. This is a low part of the valley, so it is always prone to flooding. All the water is of course why the birds love it here so much.

Don Gray said...

I felt hypnotized myself, watching that water, Susan. It is so relaxing.

Don Gray said...

Anne, you're welcome--glad you liked it.

martha miller said...

Beautiful, mesmerizing footage! Great video! What a glorious spot - I loved hearing the red-winged blackbirds!!!

Art By Erika said...

Gosh that was wonderful food for the soul. So many inspiring views, I don't know how you manage to choose what to paint when you're surrounded by all THAT!

Don Gray said...

Thanks so much, Martha. Yes, the Redwings were everywhere, and tons of other birds too. I love this spot in the valley because of all the critters the overflow water attracts. And since there are few houses nearby--just farm fields--there is very little traffic on the roads.

Don Gray said...

Good to hear from you, Erika, and thanks. It's a serene place and I'm glad the video conveys a little of that.

Randall David Tipton said...

That was great!
Oregon is so diverse. I need to get to the eastern part and do some work.