Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Springtime in the Foothills

Watercolor, 6.75" x 9"
$285 plus $8 shipping in U.S.
Email don@dailyartwest.com for purchase

A larger painting today. I set out to convey a feeling of the full richness of spring, trying hard to keep the colors and values as fresh and intense as possible.


Lynne said...

The LOVE is showing in this painting, Don.

Sheryl Parsons said...

You succeeded! I looked at this painting and asked myself, "How does he do that?" I really need to set aside my sculpting and get back to painting more. You've inspired me to do that.


Elizabeth Seaver said...


Don Gray said...

Thanks Lynne.

Don Gray said...

I'm flattered at your comments, Sheryl. Happy painting, sculpting and any other creative venture you undertake!

Don Gray said...

Elizabeth--thank you. I enjoy your collage/paint combinations.

Susan Beauchemin said...

Hi Don--I don't know how you feel about awards, but I've passed one or two if you'd like, along to you--check out my site for details.

Jean Victory said...

Love the richness of color in this piece. A winner!

Don Gray said...

Hi Susan--thanks so much, I appreciate it.

Don Gray said...

Much appreciated, Jean!

Dean Grey said...

Excellent color choices, Don!

Such a nice variety of greens. Nice touch having the greens in the foreground most intense while the ones in the background are more dulled down.

The red barn/building just pops here for obvious reasons (see above paragraph).

I want to live there!

Fantastic job!


Don Gray said...

Thanks, Dean. I admit, the painting has a bit of a fantasy quality, compared to the actual place. But that's what it's about, right?--interpretation.