Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Blooming Season

Oil on board, 7" x 5"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.

A beautiful home in Joseph.


Perry Brown said...

Considering the size, I am amazed at how well you handle the detail of the railings and clapboard. Also love the red roof.

Lynne said...

Don, you are outdoing yourself with these lilac paintings. I am enjoying having our lilac season extended by your paintings. I can almost smell their heady scent!

Katherine said...

These Lilac paintings are inspired!

Don Gray said...

Thank you, Perry. I enjoy your work.

Don Gray said...

Lynne, you're very kind--thanks. I was surprised and pleased to find the lilacs still in bloom when I went to Wallowa County.

Don Gray said...

Hi Katherine--I appreciate that, thank you.