Friday, October 23, 2009

Slow Water

Oil on acid-free canvas board, 6" x 8"
$150 plus $7 shipping in U.S.
Email for purchase

A slightly larger painting today. A quiet evening at one of my favorite places along beautiful Catherine Creek.


Deborah Paris said...

Very beautiful, Don.

William K. Moore said...

Hi Don.. checking out my friend from the right side of the tracks. Great Fall series you have here. Hope the townhouse subdivision invasion hasn't happened out there like it has in the farming communities surrounding Chicago. I remember when they had farms in my town instead of Blockbusters. Maybe in this economy the farms will come back.... maybe.

Don Gray said...

Thanks Deborah--nice to hear from you.

Don Gray said...

Hi Bill--thanks for coming by and for your interesting (as always)comments.

We're not being overrun yet where we are in Oregon. We live in something of a rural backwater here--no large-scale developments in the offing that I know about. It's quite charming, although economically pretty depressed. People who come here need to bring their jobs with them.

Simon Jones said...

Love this, feel my blood pressure drop just looking at it, also love the way you paint the grass.

Don Gray said...

Hi Simon--much appreciated!