Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Horse Farm

Oil on board, 5" x 7"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.

There's a ranch at the north end of the valley that raises Quarterhorses. Here, some of the mares and foals are having breakfast.

Thanks to all who weighed in with comments and emails regarding my earlier posts about style (see the November 21st post.) I was startled by how many artists feel as I do: constrained by "the art world" (specifically, dealers, collectors and some curators and critics) to maintain a signature style. Not really a conspiracy, it's just marketing 101--product recognition. It's probably not a situation that's going to change anytime soon (like...never!) but at least sometimes we can blow off some steam about it, right? You've all made me feel strangely comforted, and a lot less alone...thank you!


Pierre Raby said...

This painting is wonderful Don, outstanding!

Don Gray said...

Pierre, I appreciate your words--thank you!

Elizabeth Elgin said...

This is so lovely; the purple "light" reminds me of one of my favorite paintings by Tom Darro, Cheyenne Mother and Child. I love your work.

Don Gray said...

You're very kind, Elizabeth--thank you.