Sunday, January 3, 2010

Since I'm in a video mood, here's Winslow and I on a walk yesterday morning. Background guitar is a piece from the album "Dedication," by Andres Segovia.


Sheila Vaughan said...

Don, you brought a big smile to my day seeing Winslow there running about and 'posing' for the camera. What a great little trooper he is. Great too, to see the haylots from your earlier paintings. They are comparable to houses in their seeming solidity aren't they.

Unknown said...

Winslow is a hoot. My dog has done the same thing.... gotten on the wrong side of a fence and had to figure out how to get back over. I think Winslow was quicker on the uptake than my Tucker.
Loved how he jumped in the back of the truck with his little muddy paws.

And that guitar piece is lovely! Who'd think that I'd find some new music on a painting blog!

Deborah Paris said...

What a wonderful little dog- enjoyed seeing him on his walk as well as some of the landscape there. I love how he jumped in the car and "sat down"!

Don Gray said...

Happy New Year, Sheila! Winslow does love his walks and doesn't get too many in winter, since it is often cold and windy in the valley. Yes, the haystacks are very architectural--they remind me of modernist houses or industrial buildings, jutting up from the flat farm fields.

SamArtDog said...

You know we love dogs, muddy feets and all. Liked your painting of W lying in the doorway a lot, too. Now your videos with their fades and music are getting to be yet another medium to brag on.

Don Gray said...

Hi Deb--thanks for dropping by. Our dogs give us lots of entertainment, don't they?

I play that Segovia album in the studio a lot...great to paint by.

Don Gray said...

Hi Deborah. Winslow's still got a lot of pup in him, and his energetic view of life is good for me. The back seat is covered with dog hair, but what the heck.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Sam. Sorry to read about your bum luck on your recent walk with the dog...hope that arm mends quickly. The video's just a fun release for me, and Windows Movie Maker does all the work with fades, etc.

Anonymous said...

so your first prodigy on the big screen: i suggest animal training might not be a very good career path for you:)) stick to the painting: it was wonderful to see the environment and the haystacks that influence your paintings and now i could see why.

Lynne said...

How lovely that something so deceptively simple could be so engaging....a piece of your life shared with us. Thank you. I loved it. Wish your pooch could do a video of YOU now! With voice over of course and the great music.

Micah Neff said...

Why should I crawl through when there is a prefectly good opening down there dad?????? lol Wow, those haylots are BIG, kinda intimidating, and you capture that in your paintings.

Don Gray said...

Guess I'll never be a "dog whisperer," Rahina. Oh well, I try. :^)

Don Gray said...

Thank you, Lynne. If Winslow were filming me, I'd probably have as much trouble crossing that fence as he did!

Don Gray said...

Hi Micah--thanks for coming by. Yes, Winslow figured out an alternative, didn't he? Happy New Year!