Friday, January 22, 2010


Watercolor on archival paper, 6" x 10"
$190 plus $7 shipping in U.S.

We are waiting for the other shoe to drop. The weather lately in eastern Oregon has been unseasonably mild. It's hard to believe we're in the heart of January; daytime highs have been reaching into the 50's. I barbecued steaks outside this evening and didn't even wear a coat!

The source images for today's painting actually came from photos I took last winter, on a day when howling wind blew snow flurries horizontal to the ground and cattle huddled behind rows of windbreak willows. It can look pretty stark and austere around here in winter, but I love the subdued, graphic beauty of it all.


Lynne said...

Loving this painting. It really captures the cold you had LAST year. We've had the same sort of odd weather here on the east coast. Maybe you sent it on over?

Dennis Dame said...

Super piece Don! I can "hear" the silence in the air. Great job!

Don Gray said...

Thank you, Lynne. It's an El Nino year out west, which tends to reverse weather patterns north to south. Southern California is having a very wet, stormy season, while up here it's pretty mild.

Don Gray said...

Hi Dennis--thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

you've caught the wind and cold and even the rising warmth amongst the cattle in this beauty! that's a very clever thing to do just with paint:))

Don Gray said...

Rahina, what a nice thing to say--thank you.

Dean Grey said...
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Dean Grey said...



This little painting is deceptively simple in appearance yet the trees' branches are wonderfully detailed.

The landscape feels very open, airy, and still.

Great job on this!
