Birds of Paradise
Oil on board, 6" x 6"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.
Email don@dailyartwest.com for purchase
It was fun to revisit many of the tropical plants we hadn't seen since we left southern California. I have always loved the apt name and exotic character of these flowers.
They are a favorite to many people and your rendition is just lovely.
Hey, new digs! Black or white, your blog is a must-see every day. What'd you find in the corners when you swept out? Whatever, I'm sure it's worth framing.
I've got a baby bird (of paradise) from the Honolulu airport on the windowsill above the kitchen sink. Maybe it'll bloom like yours (if I remember to repot it).
Hi Susan--thanks much.
Thanks Sam--good to hear from you.
When we left SoCal We thought about taking some of our patio plants to become Oregon houseplants, but we knew they would just die slow deaths here from neglect.
Really nice work. i like it.
The baby bird gets plenty of potbound abuse, like no water. It's becoming acclimated. Theory is, by the time it gets a new pot and a sip of water, overwhelming gratitude will guarantee survival.
Thanks, Della.
That's a nice theory, Sam. I like it. But remember, it's only a theory.
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