Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Treat Time?

Treat Time?
Oil on board, 6" x 8"
Click here to bid

A typical Winslow look when he's anticipating something.

This painting is also being placed in a Daily Paintworks auction.Click here to view auction.


Deborah Paris said...

I know that look x 3! A loving portrait of your friend.

Don Gray said...

With 3 pooches, I'm sure you know that look very well, Deborah--thanks.

Susanna Pantas said...

I work part time at a doggy daycare... and when pickup time rolls around, that look you have captured is present on all of the dogs' faces! Precious.

Jane Hunt said...

You really captured the excitement in his eyes - not easy to do in a profile!

Don Gray said...

Oh that's great, Susanna--thanks! I'm delighted to get acquainted with your beautiful artwork.

Don Gray said...

I appreciate that, Jane--thank you.

shirley fachilla said...

Hmm, a treat or a rabbit or a strange noise or the sound of a familiar car door. I love your Winslow paintings each and every one.

Don Gray said...

So kind of you, Shirley--thanks!

Marilyn Flanegan said...

A very familiar expression, I know it well in our herd and you captured it beautifully. He's workin' it!

Have you decided on the painting for the cover of Winslow's book yet?

: )

Don Gray said...

LOL...yes, guess I'm getting enough paintings for a little book on Winslow. Thanks, Marilyn.

Art Matters said...

What a great portrait - he know how to tug the heart-strings!

Don Gray said...

Winslow's always "workin' it", Carol. :) Thanks for your comments.