Monday, October 3, 2011

Wheeling Hawk

Oil on board, 5" x 7"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.
Click image to enlarge

One from the archives. This wonderful old octagonal building on the edge of town is called the "Pony Barn" It was built around 1900 by an early Union settler named Levy to house his Shetlands. Though it's seen better days, the building still retains its graceful lines.


Anonymous said...

a stunning little painting which seems to mezmerize... perhaps the shapes and lines and that hawk!

Sonya Johnson said...

This painting has a very quiet, contemplative feel to it. Not quite somber, but I'm reminded of Andrew Wyeth's work when I look at it. Despite its diminutive size, the hawk is what transforms this painting. Really nice, Don!

Deborah Paris said...

This is so quiet and elegant Don. I too thought of Wyeth. The soaring hawk is the perfect foil for the monumental solidity of the barn. Lovely!

Don Gray said...

Thanks for your encouraging words, Rahina.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Sonya. I do think the hawk and the wind-driven clouds help the painting from being too static--I'm glad you feel that way too!

Don Gray said...

So much appreciated, Deborah--thank you!