Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jeep Trail

Watercolor on archival paper, 8" x 7.5"
$185 plus $8 shipping in U.S.
Click image to enlarge

For check payment or other arrangements, email don@dailyartwest.com

Snow in the ruts brought this rocky little track into sharp relief on the winter hill.


shirley fachilla said...

What a beautiful painting. The composition is wonderful and the warmth of the field in the midst of all that cold so resonates with me.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

This is very inviting! Love that S curve in the landscape: very fetching.

Sarah Sedwick Studio said...

This does not look like a watercolor! Lovely. But I'm glad I'm not in the snow.

Don Gray said...

Hi Shirley--thank you for those thoughts.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Diana!

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Sarah. No worries--the snow's melting now.