| Float 3
Oil on board, 6" x 6" $125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US. | SOLD
| This is probably the last of the brush series for awhile; I'm feeling the itch to get back to some landscapes, or...who knows?
My fellow artist/blogger friend Silvina Day suggested I allow greater enlargement for the paintings. Given the low resolution of computer monitors maybe a larger-than-life image helps give a better "feel" for the actual paint surface. It also makes me cringe, since it makes all my mistakes larger-than-life as well!
Anyway, I'll give it a try. Let me know if you find it useful. Click to enlarge. |
Hi Don,
It is fascinating to see the various brushes that you use to create your paintings! I am drawn not only to the worn-ness of the brushes, but also the different colors you use to achieve the look of metal for each of the brushes. There is something comforting in the look of these "old friends".
Don, nice work.
I really like your compositions.
You did it! I love seeing your expert work magnified. I've seen your work in person, so I know that my computer screen doesn't do it justice. Magnifying the picture just helps me get a more personal feel. The texture is an important part of the overall effect.
I'm thrilled. Thank you trying it. : )
And you're so sweet to put my link in your text.
I better get painting and post something new!
Joanne, thank you. This has been an enjoyable series for me, and judging by other artist's comments it has been interesting to see how emotionally invested we are in the tools of the trade.
Sherry, thank you. Glad to see you back to blooging.
Well, Silvina, OK...(he said, shakily.) As much as I cringe at seeing the work that large, I think you're right about the enlargement allowing one to get more of a feel for the physical nature of the paintings. Thanks for the suggestion and the encouragement.
We look at so much art online or in reproductions, that even we artists tend to forget the singular "presence" of original work. But maybe the enlargement gets us (pardon the pun) a
little closer.
Don I think these brush still life paintings are real top-notch work. You have given character and life to each brush and I can imagine their long careers being thrust into solvent and paint over the years. Thanks for your visit my way... alway good to keep in contact with ones peer(s).
Great series Don!
I also made the switch to larger images (in many cases larger than the painting itself), and I have the same reservations and trepidation as you.
I finally decided that if I'm posting a work in the first place, I should just suck it up... :)
Your work looks great enlargeable!
Bill--many thanks. it means a great deal coming from an artist of your caliber.
Thanks for the encouraging word, Jason. And you have nothing to fear, your paintings enlarged look fabulous! I've also been privileged to see your originals at Dezart--they're wonderful.
I have really enjoyed your brush series -- some very nice compositions.
Thanks, M.
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