| Tangerine and Candlesticks
Oil on board, 6" x 6" $125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US. | SOLD
| I did this painting some time ago-- before we left California, in fact. Don't know why I didn't post it before, except that it is one of my personal favorites. I think I just wanted to have it around to look at. | |
Don, Just beautiful, I can see why you kept it for a while. Reflections are terrific as is the wood surface. I still am amazed at the caliber of the art on some of these blogs.
Steve, I sure appreciate your words. You're such a fine artist, it means a great deal to me.
Really great. I can't believe it is so small.
And, I almost thought I was on the wrong page, but the style was there. It is nice that you have some variety in subject matter Don.
You know, you can post them and not sell them.
I have a few that I just like having around too. I know what you mean.
Wayhay Don, that's brilliant, absolutely. Its kind of mesmorising and its just perfect.
Frank, you're very kind. We artists turn such self-critical eyes on our work that the few times we do something we're pretty happy with, we should learn to savor it a bit, right?
Sheila, I thank you for those nice words--means a lot!
Stunning painting!
Thanks, Marie! Glad you came by.
I'm always drawn to highly organized modern looking still lifes. I don't know what it is. I like the neatness and the evenness. It's calming and exciting at the same time. Is it the repetition of pattern?
This is a great one, Don.
I'm the same way, Silvina. I'm especially drawn to the same or similar objects repeated horizontally. I've done quite a few paintings over time that reference this idea of repetition. And like you, I find it both calming and exciting. Thanks for your thoughts.
Don, this is as good a place as any to say that Gallery Light painting is a killer! ...was just checking out the article. Looks like all cylinders are firing, keep the pedal to the metal. Nick
Well it's a fitting painting for us down here in Melbourne where a brush with a cyclone wiped out our power over the past few days. Our fridges had to be emptied of all the spoiled food and the kids have been delighted to be eating take-away by candlelight for the third night in a row!
Not to mention it is also a beautiful painting Don. You are a very versatile artist and I am enjoying seeing all the different subject matters that you seem to be able to master so well.
I'd call it Three of Candlesticks.
I could just peel that clementine and eat it right now.
An elegant and sophisticated piece!
Glad you dropped by Nick, and thanks for the encouragement. It was such fun playing with the abstract/representational aspects of "Gallery Light." Sure enjoy your work and blog.
Wow, that cyclone must have done a real job, for your power to be out that long, Triecia. Kids can teach us lessons in finding the "adventure" in life, can't they? I hope your posting means the electricity is back, or are you working on laptop batteries?
Thanks for the uplifting words.
Thanks a lot, Martha. Your Monhegan posts are fascinating. What a great experience!
I get why it'd be a personal favorite: it's a stunner, Don!
Hi Jason, I sure thank you!
You would LOVE painting on Monhegan.
I can see why this would be a personal favourite and am not surprised at the number of compliments on it you've received here. As my old tutor used to say, "Do ten more."
Thanks, Mr. Zip (aka Harry :) Good advice from your teacher. I would consider one in ten as a pretty good average, for getting a painting that I like pretty well myself.
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