| Ancestor 6
Acrylic on paper, 6" x 6" $125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US. |
| I liked how this one evolved into a wise little adult in a baby's body. Haven't we all had those moments when we almost shudder at the knowledge we seem to glimpse behind a small child's eyes? | |
This child appears to me to be constipated...
LOL I can't even type after I saw gramhix comment lol
Ok I forgot what I was gonna say!
Oh ok, I'm really enjoying this series, thank you for indulging yourself in this series Don. Say did you ever get an email from me?
HA! I read the look more as wariness of the stranger taking photos, but maybe you're right, Graham...constipated! :)
Thank you, Erika. I'll write back soon--sorry, I get way behind on email.
These really have the look of those ancestor poses.
Thank you, Bill (Onpainting).
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