Thursday, December 4, 2008

Above 8

Acrylic on paper, 12" x 24" (approx.)
Email me for price

It's been difficult lately to get to the dailies, due to other commissions, as well as two shows opening this week. The reception for Above, my show of aerial landscapes (mentioned in the previous post) was held last night. Many old friends came and welcomed us back to the area--it was very heartwarming.

I have another regional show opening this Friday, December 5th, in the galleries at Clark and Company, 1924 Broadway St. in Baker City, OR. I'll be exhibiting about 22 works of all sizes. The show will be up throughout the month. The opening Friday evening corresponds with their First Friday Artwalk. Come on over if you're in the area.

Forgive me if this blog is starting to sound more like a bulletin board!


Sheila Vaughan said...

Don, congrats on your two shows. Hope everything goes well. The birds eye views one looks really interesting. Would love to be there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Don, I really like the abstract quality of this one.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Sheila. Openings are always a little nerve-wracking, but fun too.

Don Gray said...

Hi Silvina--thanks. I like how an aerial view seems more abstract to us because the viewpoint is less familiar.

martha miller said...

Wish I could beam myself over to your openings! It would be fun to meet you and to see your work in person!!
Best of luck, Don!

Don Gray said...

That would be great, Martha...and vice-versa! Hope your open studio tour was a smash hit.