Enjoyed the tour Don! What a lovely set up you have - a studio above the county museum?? I've always wanted to live close to a museum but you topped that little daydream I have(pun intended)! Do they have much art in there? How is the insulation in your studio? I didn't see a TV, I like the noise and music gets old after a while. I love the painting on the easel and the big shell paintings also the dog paintings so cute. I'm so jealous of your big play room Don, 31 steps and everything!!! Tell me, did you tidy up the day before? You call that packing room messy? You haven't seen my desk :)
Yesterday I got lost in your website and I was in awe of your murals! It amazes me how much care and attention you give to details! Did you paint on location in all? How do you seal an acrylic exterior painting? Wow you've had an excellent artist life, I wish I were you!
One more thing, you have all that painting space and you're now painting itty bitty paintings lol! Do you tend to have many pieces going at the same time? Ok if I can't be you, may I at least have the snoop window? All I can snoop on from where I am are birds, squirrels and chipmunks, occasional red fox and raccoons - people are more fun to watch :)
I'm grateful for the warm beach paintings Don! Love the yellowish sky on this piece.
Next video is the artist pounding on the piano? Have a good day, you made mine ;)
How lucky you are to have such a wonderful studio. It must be great to work in. I dare say you have the studio that you deserve : it suits to a very talented artist. Thank you for sharing with us.
Wow that was a great tour DON! thanks for sharing. Everytime I've tried to record and walk, I bump into stuff and the camera goes all over, mostly on my feet. This really gives the viewer a good idea that not all artists suffer!
Wow Erika, that's a lot of questions!! I appreciate your enthusiasm and kind words though--thanks. I'll try to answer as much as I can.
It's a historical museum, so more antiques than art.
Insulation could be better--a big space to heat. I keep it coolish in there cause I'm cheap. Has forced air gas furnace.
No TV--I'm too easily distracted. Just CD's and radio. No over-comfy chairs either--I know myself too well.
No tidying up, really--typical studio.
Thanks for looking at the murals. Yes, all painted on location, all over the country. Some are coated with Golden MSA varnish, which can be removed.
Yes--huge studio, tiny paintings--ridiculous! I used to paint really large paintings in here, that's what those painting walls are for. Gotta get back to that. I do the dailies on my drafting table. Sometimes I work in series, though I seem to find myself finishing one thing before going to next. I love the idea of having lots of paintings in process at once, but never seem to actually work that way.
I feel very fortunate and grateful to have this studio again--it's a good vibe space. The museum folks kindly ask reasonable rent. No way I could afford a space like this in, say, southern California.
What a great space you have! Thanks for the tour! It's fun to see where you work and to hear your voice! Such a bare bones town. Beautiful! This gives me more thoughts about making a documentary about artists and their spaces and process. My film class starts in 2 weeks - it would be fun to piece together a video of different artists giving these sorts of virtual tours, wouldn't it?
Don, what a great studio!!!! Loved the tour. Thanks so much for posting, tho now I'm lusting after your space, in a good way. How wonderful to see where you do your work. I love the variety of work- the small pieces do look fabulous on your wall. Your talents in woodworking are awesome as well. The flat files are just gorgeous. The storage area is something I could envision building, if I could find the space. Totally inspirational.
Enjoyed the tour Don! What a lovely set up you have - a studio above the county museum?? I've always wanted to live close to a museum but you topped that little daydream I have(pun intended)! Do they have much art in there? How is the insulation in your studio? I didn't see a TV, I like the noise and music gets old after a while. I love the painting on the easel and the big shell paintings also the dog paintings so cute. I'm so jealous of your big play room Don, 31 steps and everything!!! Tell me, did you tidy up the day before? You call that packing room messy? You haven't seen my desk :)
Yesterday I got lost in your website and I was in awe of your murals! It amazes me how much care and attention you give to details! Did you paint on location in all? How do you seal an acrylic exterior painting? Wow you've had an excellent artist life, I wish I were you!
One more thing, you have all that painting space and you're now painting itty bitty paintings lol! Do you tend to have many pieces going at the same time? Ok if I can't be you, may I at least have the snoop window? All I can snoop on from where I am are birds, squirrels and chipmunks, occasional red fox and raccoons - people are more fun to watch :)
I'm grateful for the warm beach paintings Don! Love the yellowish sky on this piece.
Next video is the artist pounding on the piano? Have a good day, you made mine ;)
Don, what a fantastic space. Your studio is as big as my house. Loved the narration. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us.
The best studio ever. You are so awesome. I guess I won't have to visit now. Just wait for your video logs to reveal your little town and life.
How lucky you are to have such a wonderful studio. It must be great to work in. I dare say you have the studio that you deserve : it suits to a very talented artist. Thank you for sharing with us.
Very cool, Don! And Union looks like my kind of town.
Wow that was a great tour DON! thanks for sharing. Everytime I've tried to record and walk, I bump into stuff and the camera goes all over, mostly on my feet.
This really gives the viewer a good idea that not all artists suffer!
Loved the start of the large space.
I really liked the studio tour. You have a very nice space. Thanks for posting.
Wow Erika, that's a lot of questions!! I appreciate your enthusiasm and kind words though--thanks. I'll try to answer as much as I can.
It's a historical museum, so more antiques than art.
Insulation could be better--a big space to heat. I keep it coolish in there cause I'm cheap. Has forced air gas furnace.
No TV--I'm too easily distracted. Just CD's and radio. No over-comfy chairs either--I know myself too well.
No tidying up, really--typical studio.
Thanks for looking at the murals. Yes, all painted on location, all over the country. Some are coated with Golden MSA varnish, which can be removed.
Yes--huge studio, tiny paintings--ridiculous! I used to paint really large paintings in here, that's what those painting walls are for. Gotta get back to that. I do the dailies on my drafting table. Sometimes I work in series, though I seem to find myself finishing one thing before going to next. I love the idea of having lots of paintings in process at once, but never seem to actually work that way.
I feel very fortunate and grateful to have this studio again--it's a good vibe space. The museum folks kindly ask reasonable rent. No way I could afford a space like this in, say, southern California.
Thanks, Silvina, you're such an encouraging person!
Hi Ann-Marie. Oh no, please visit anyway! Thanks a lot.
Thank you, Helene--that's most kind of you to say.
Hi Zack--thanks. Union is in the boonies, but you're kind of a boonies guy too, aren't you?
Hi Candy, thanks for your comments. Yeah, it's a wonder I didn't fall on my face and break the camera.
Leah, welcome to my blog and welcome to the blogosphere! Your paintings are wonderful. I look forward to following your work.
Don you're so nice to accommodate all my questions, thanks so much.
What a great space you have! Thanks for the tour! It's fun to see where you work and to hear your voice! Such a bare bones town. Beautiful! This gives me more thoughts about making a documentary about artists and their spaces and process. My film class starts in 2 weeks - it would be fun to piece together a video of different artists giving these sorts of virtual tours, wouldn't it?
Ah! Seeing your studio was VERY inspiring, Don. Thanks ever so much for sharing. Really neat!
Don, what a great studio!!!! Loved the tour. Thanks so much for posting, tho now I'm lusting after your space, in a good way. How wonderful to see where you do your work.
I love the variety of work- the small pieces do look fabulous on your wall.
Your talents in woodworking are awesome as well. The flat files are just gorgeous. The storage area is something I could envision building, if I could find the space.
Totally inspirational.
Hi Martha--thanks a lot! I think that would make a great documentary. I envy those who get to take the film class. Have fun with it!
I appreciate your coming by, Diane--and thanks!
Thanks, Joan! I do love this studio and feel so lucky to get it back after 14 years.
The flat files are just particle board, but they are very serviceable. I was just too tight to pay those high prices for the commercial ones.
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