Deep Blue Water
Acrylic on board, 5" x 7"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.
Catherine Creek meanders across the valley in broad loops and tight horseshoe bends. Years ago in spring or early summer we used to canoe the slow-moving waters, taking all day to travel maybe twenty miles as the crow flies.
Drifting along at waters-eye view it's another world. You can't see the plowed fields or farmhouses, just tall grasses, cattails, thick clumps of brush and occasional overhanging willows. Once, we floated silently up on a swimming beaver who, when he finally noticed us, slapped his tail loudly on the water and dove for the bottom. Great blue herons would ghost off the water, long wings traveling in slow motion. Deer stood watching curiously as we glided past. I could imagine it would not have looked much different a thousand years ago.
What beautiful color and depth of space. Nice to see color when everything has been white for so long.
Thanks, pavocavalry.
Steve--I appreciate your thoughts. Means a lot coming from you.
Hi Don really like this a lot, its kind of an intimate, room sized space, thats well, a river, great colours and dynamic handling.
This is truly beautiful..
Simon, thanks so much!
Nice to hear from you, Gerald, and thanks!
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