Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Apple and Paint Can

Oil on board, 6" x 6"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.
One of the things I love about daily painting is that each day really is brand new. Larger or more complex paintings may take days or weeks of sustained effort, but a daily is a daily. Rarely is the day's painting pre-planned. There's an almost whimsical feeling of freedom. "Lets see..." I say to myself, feeling like a kid in a candy store, "what shall I paint today?" A painting may lead to a series of related pieces, or it may not--it all depends on what I feel like doing at the moment.

This painting reminds me of my "Odd Couples" series. Those of you who have been following my blog for awhile may recall the group of still lifes some months back, where I painted objects that don't normally go together-- like hammers and peonies, or blow dryers and padlocks. I had a great time with that series, and have thought it would be fun to return to the idea.

Maybe this is the beginning of "Odd Couples...Part Two." Or maybe not. Tomorrow's a brand new day.


Anonymous said...

Lots to think about and ideas galore for other painters who feel like they can't find the candy shop! Enjoying your blog. r.

Anonymous said...

I do feel like a old kid in a candy store. The decision about what to paint parilizes me. I love your stories. and I wish I could paint an apple like that!!!...Dixie

Unknown said...

I really like this whole painting - but love the background colors and how alive with brush strokes it is. The apple looks like it could be plucked from the painting, Don. Always a pleasure to view your work!

Katherine said...

I can't decide whether I want to eat the apple or the paint. Yummy piece Don.

Don Gray said...

Many thanks, Rahina.

Don Gray said...

Dixie, you're very kind--thank you.

Don Gray said...

Joanne, great to hear from you and thanks for the encouraging words!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Don Gray said...

Katherine, Picasso said "First you eat the apple, then you paint it."


Don Gray said...

Thank you, anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I love checking out your blog...your work is excellent! When the economy comes back...I'd like to consider buying!

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Dawn. We're all crossing our fingers for this economy.

m collier said...

I think your odd couple series sounds great.

Anonymous said...

and one more thing, your onions in the the previous post put mine to shame:) r.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, M. It was great fun and I do plan to resurrect it.

Don Gray said...

Rahina, I think your onion painting is lovely.