Thursday, March 26, 2009


Oil on board, 6" x 7.75"
$150 plus $6 shipping in U.S.
Email for purchase

It's a time of anticipation. In the woods the earth is spongy underfoot. Green mosses and tiny blades of grass work their way up through a damp layer of mouldering leaves from the previous fall. Trees still have the stark look of winter, but one can sense the sap starting to flow. Color is subtle, delicate hints of the rich greens soon to appear.


Anonymous said...

love the atmosphere you have captured here. and the shadows which suggest that summer is not too far. r.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous -- really beautifully composed.

Pierre Raby said...

Dancing branches- we can smell spring
and it's nature's renewal. Beautiful
as the last three pieces!

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Rahina.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Linda and welcome. I enjoyed seeing your painterly work.

Don Gray said...

Pierre, your encouragement means a great deal--thanks!

benjaminlois said...

really good oil!! i think is great!!

Don Gray said...

Thanks a lot, Benjamin!

Dean Grey said...

I think of all your recent landscapes, Don, this is my most favorite.

The twisting trees every which way add a sense of danger to the scene IMHO.

A lot of colors here. Bright blues, muted greens, earthy browns and grays, and purples too!

Nice variety of textures, sizes, and shapes.

Keep it up!


Don Gray said...

Hi Dean--thanks!