Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Banana and Shells

Oil on board, 4 1/2" x 8"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.
Email don@dailyartwest.com for purchase

These bananas need to be painted before they get too ripe, because I plan to eat them, too. I've never been accused of being a starving artist.

This is an Odd Couple too, I guess. Or would it be an Odd Trio?


Robert Ross said...

Don --

The pairing (trio-ing?) of bananas with shells would not be too odd in Florida, where I write from.

Very nice painting. I go to your site daily to be reminded that beauty is to be found everywhere.


Dean H. said...

Beautiful painting. I need to stop in every once in a while to "get my fix".

Katherine said...

Beautiful painting Don, makes me want to be somewhere warm. The banana is looking a little green yet so hold off a bit.

Sheila Vaughan said...

Hats off to you Don. Not many people could get away with painting rich and interesting work featuring bananas! Also I am really enjoying the colours you are putting into your shadow areas.

Don Gray said...

I guess you're right, Rob. I appreciate your visit and comment.

Don Gray said...

That's good of you to say, Dean--thanks.

Don Gray said...

Thanks Katherine. I'll wait a little bit, but I like them a tad on the green side.

Don Gray said...

Sheila, thanks a lot. I think the study is less about a banana and more about a group of color relationships and qualities of light I've been exploring lately. Similar colors show up in "Long Lemon" and "D'Anjou."

Anonymous said...

I've been watching these still lives of yours. The pale blue/violet backgrounds you're using lately are gorgeous. Reminds me of the opalescent glow in a moonstone. Mesmerizing color. I'm going to go have a banana now.

Don Gray said...

Silvina, your comments always liven up any discussion--thanks. You're doing some fine work over at Studio 280 blogland.

martha miller said...

hmmm...two shells and a banana would be a an odd trio, or a bananage a trois...

Don Gray said...

Oh wow Martha, that's a real groaner!!