Saturday, March 14, 2009

Foothills Biker

Acrylic on board, 8" x 10"
$325 plus $7 shipping in U.S.
Email for purchase

A larger painting today. Click the image to enlarge.

While standing in the road studying this scene (I was fascinated by that yellow road sign) I was startled by this cyclist who suddenly popped up over the brow of the hill.


Anonymous said...

That is really sharp, Don. I love it!

Anonymous said...

quite wonderful... reminds me of my scotland, not too much sunshine, great atmosphere, exact. r.

Katherine said...

I love the mood on this piece Don. The composition is wonderful. I love that the cyclist surprised you. Never know what life is going to hand you!

Dar Presto said...

I suppose the cyclist was startled too, especially when random painter guy asked him to balance standing still for 20 minutes ;)
There is a nice sense of depth in this piece, and perfect hues. The rider adds to the sense of rolling hills.

Anonymous said...

Don, I could swear that this is my son-in-law on his favorite bike trip between Condon and Fossil. Great painting!! Ann La

Sheila Vaughan said...

Great Don - gives a real feel for the open road. I suppose the cyclist will remind many viewers of people they know - with me it's my younger son Danny !

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Brian!

Anonymous said...

This is a special one. I loved the strong elements of the road and hills, with the magical spring green. (Maybe show us take 2 in summer, when the hills are a golden brown.)
Anne Thrower

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Brian!

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Rahina. I'd love to visit your beautiful country sometime.

Don Gray said...

Life is like a box of chocolates, isn't it, Katherine? Thanks for your encouragement.

Don Gray said...

Thank you, Mizah. Welcome to my blog.

Don Gray said...

HA--lucky he had training wheels on, huh Dar?

Thanks for your fun and perceptive comments.

Don Gray said...

Hi Ann--that's what's great about a figure from a distance--they can be most anyone. :) Thanks for your comment.

Don Gray said...

Thanks a lot, Sheila. Ditto what I just wrote to Ann.

Don Gray said...

Thank you, Anne--I'm pleased you like it. I just might do a reprisal in summer.

Dogs by Bri said...

Nice job Don,

I think it looks like Corrine. This looks like the route from Union to North Powder. It's one of our regular training routes.

It's true that from a distance it could be anyone. Maybe I'll start painting dogs from a distance too.


Don Gray said...

People have said that my paintings look best from a distance too, Bri. If you step back about a quarter mile they come together pretty good. Thanks for writing.

Unknown said...

Did you catch the biker with your camera or paint from memory? Your website is fascinating, just found it today thanks to Alain's comment on postcards from provence.

Don Gray said...

Welcome, Ann, thanks for the visit--and I extend my appreciation to Alain.

I was taking photos when he popped over the hill, so I snapped one while he was at a distance. I was too embarassed to take one when he got closer.

Alvin Richard said...

Being an avid cyclist, the one is really sweet. But even better, it really serves as a reference point of how majestic the landscape around him actually is.

Don Gray said...

Thanks a lot, Alvin. I need to get me a bike and get out there myself!