Saturday, December 19, 2009

Here's some video I shot yesterday of the clouds rolling over the top of Craig Mountain. The music is a piece from Ólafur Arnald's Found Songs.


Unknown said...

Just beautiful Don.

Our prayers are with you at this trying time. No matter how long the life of a loved one, it always seems too short.

Frank & Paula

SamArtDog said...

I thank you, Don, for seeing and sharing this profoundly touching moment. It's a beautiful prayer.

Anonymous said...

hi Don, i could feel the cold wind blowing those clouds around, quite mesmerising. r

Pierre Raby said...

Impressive and beautiful. A profund way to illustrate the passage of time and a great tribute for your mother.
I'm sending you peaceful vibes.

Aleks said...

Love and peace Don!

Dean Grey said...

Beautiful Don!

I hope your are doing well!

Wishing you the very best!


martha miller said...

How beautiful!!!
"This world is not conclusive, a sequel lies beyond, invisible as music, but positive as sound." Emily Dickenson

marc roder said...

Condolences on your Mother's passing Don. I was so moved by this video and the music, incredible power, beauty, melancholy. A gift to us all, thank you.

Don Gray said...

Hi Frank and Paula--thanks a lot.

Don Gray said...

Sam--thank you.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Rahina.

Don Gray said...

Warm vibes back at you, Pierre--thanks.

Don Gray said...

Aleksandra--thanks for that blessing!

Don Gray said...

Dean--thank you so much. You be well.

Don Gray said...

Martha--thank you. I love the Dickenson poem.

Don Gray said...

Marc, so good of you to say that--thanks!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Don, that music is so perfect for that ethereal video. I was lost in it.
Very spiritual.

Don Gray said...

Hi Mary--yes, I love that music. Simple but profound in feeling. Happy New Year!