Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lapis Lazuli

Oil on canvas, each panel approx. 40" x 40"
Collection Eastern Oregon University
Click image to enlarge

Here's another piece, dating from about 1986 or '87, that explored my obsession with the broken pot. If I remember correctly, I had a dream--or at least a vision--of this vessel growing up from the earth in the fields behind our home at night. I was also obsessed with a particular shade of blue that seemed to emanate from the snowfields under moonlight.


Micah Neff said...

Oh..I really love is an awesome colour.

Anonymous said...

wow! love these.

Don Gray said...

Thanks Micah, nice to hear from you.

Don Gray said...

Hi Rahina--thanks much.

Jala Pfaff said...

Wow, I love this. They work so well together too.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Jala.

martha miller said...

I really love your work from this period! It has such mood and depth!!

Don Gray said...

Martha that means a lot--thanks. I am feeling a need to reconnect with that early work in hopes that it can help me find a way forward.