Monday, May 10, 2010

Marshy Meadow

Oil on board, 7" x 5"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.

Every spring, overflow water collects in the lowlands near Catherine Creek.


Caroline Peña Bray said...

A brilliant splash of blue echoing the sky - awesome!

Janice said...

What a beautiful and peaceful landscape painting Don. I could just sit here and stare at it for hours :)

Don Gray said...

Thanks a lot, Caroline!

Don Gray said...

I'm glad you like it, Janice--thank you.

Katherine said...

Beautiful, that's all Don, just beautiful.

Micah Neff said...

how fast do I have to be to buy one LOLOL..was thinking, "hmmmmmm...I REALLY like this one..." POOF!'s gone! LOLOLOL

Carolina said...

Very beautiful landscape...
And I like your broken vase series very much, especially the last one...

Don Gray said...

Katherine, you are always so supportive--thank you.

Don Gray said...

Hi Micah--who was it that said "he who hesitates is lost?" %^) Seriously, I'm flattered that you liked it that much.

Don Gray said...

Thanks for your nice note, Carolina.

Teague said...


I really like the branches of the trees on the right. Maybe I've looked at too many Van Goughs, but the branches strike an emotional chord for me like some of his paintings do. Nice work :)

Don Gray said...

Hi Teague--thanks a lot. I'm flattered that it connects on that level for you.