Friday, July 16, 2010

Watercolor Workshop

Straw Stack

Watercolor on paper, 5" x 7"

On Saturday, July 24th, I'll be giving a one-day watercolor Master Class at the Pendleton Center for the Arts, in Pendleton, Oregon. Especially designed for artists who have at least some experience with watercolor, the class will focus on ways to develop and enhance a strong, personal approach to the medium. And we'll also try real hard to have a good time!

You can visit the Center's website for more information and registration:


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Love the bales.
I hope you will post about this workshop with maybe a demo. I'd love to see your process.
Thanks for commenting on my paintings too, Don. It did not escape me that you added yourself to the Followers.

Judy McLaren said...

Absolutely wonderful, Don - to describe this one as monumental would be an understatement!

Don Gray said...

Hi Mary--thanks a lot. I'm glad to be on your Followers list; it's a good reminder to absent-minded me to check in on your blog.

Don Gray said...

Wow--thanks, Judy! You're a terrific painter and your comments mean a lot.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

I'm amazed this is watercolor. Wonderful work!

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Diana!