Thursday, July 22, 2010


Oil on board, 5" x 7"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.

Sun and shadow flicker across the clear waters, lighting up this eroded granite boulder.


Susan Roux said...

Ok, Don. Its just a wow...

Pam Holnback said...

Brilliant light!

Elizabeth Elgin said...

Made my eyes relaxed upon seeing it, made me take a deep breath and sigh, just as though I'd come across this scene and sat down by the creek. I drive home everyday through light flickering through woods and think I should try to paint it = this has inspired me to try it. thank you.

SamArtDog said...

I love the algae growing green on the rock.

Pierre Raby said...

Wonderful painting Don!

Dogs by Bri said...

I can feel the cool water on my feet just gazing at this piece. Love it.


Don Gray said...

Wow back to you, Susan, for such a nice comment.

Don Gray said...

I loved the way the light played across the stream--thank you, Pam!

Don Gray said...

Welcome to my blog, Elizabeth and thank you for those generous comments. Absolutely--go do that painting and good luck with it!

Don Gray said...

Sam, that's my favorite part too--thanks for mentioning it.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Pierre--you're support is so appreciated!

Don Gray said...

Hey Bri, thanks. This scene is pretty high up--not too far from the snowmelt, so cool would be an understatement. Ankle-aching cold describes it fairly well.