Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Snow Walk

Snow Walk
Oil on board, 22" x 24 3/4"
$1800 plus $20 shipping in U.S.
Email for purchase information.

This is a larger painting done a few years ago, but I don't think it was ever posted on this blog--at least I couldn't find it on a search. March 12th will mark the 4th anniversary of Daily Art West. Unbelievable how quickly those years have passed! There are now well over 900 paintings on the blog, so it's getting a little difficult to remember what has and hasn't been posted.  Anyway, this is my wife Brenda on a winter walk with our sweet old dog Pablo.  Pablo's gone from this world now but still alive in our hearts.

The frequency of posts will likely slow down, at least for awhile. I'm feeling the growing need to work on some larger paintings, which of course take more time than the dailies. And, as all you artists know, if your inner voice is tugging at your coat sleeve, you'd best pay attention.

A great way to view a large number of my dailies quickly is to visit my gallery on the Daily Paintworks blog, where you can scroll through pages of thumbnail images. It's also an easy way to see which paintings are still available for purchase.


Susan Roux said...

4 years, wow. Congrats. Glad to hear you'll be working on larger pieces. I never got into painting small works and it would be very nice to find other large paintings here. Too many blogs are quick studies. I long to see more developed works. I hope you can begin a wave!

Sonya Johnson said...

Wonderful painting, Don. I always enjoy your larger works when you post them, so will look forward to your next post whenever that is :).

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Susan. I love doing the small studies, and after you've done a hundred or so you become kind of like an "art jogger"--feeling guilty if you don't do one each day. But I'm looking forward to putting a little more focus on larger pieces.

Don Gray said...

Thanks a lot, Sonya. I like your new Anasazi series.

SamArtDog said...

I'm glad to hear you're listening to yer innards. Paint on, McDuff! Looking forward to more better bigger. Have fun with your bad self, all holed up in that perfect studio. Keep an eye on him, Winston.

P.S. Don't ever sell this one of Brenda and Pablo. It's a prize.

Anonymous said...

a beautiful painting, the composition plays on the eyes pulling the viewer in.

Don Gray said...

Sam--word on the street is you're the queen of the i-phone app artists. Watch your back, the wannabe's will be gunning for you.

Thanks for the encouraging words.

Don Gray said...

Hi Rahina--I really appreciate that.

martha miller said...

Happy Anniversary, Don! and yes, follow that sleeve tugger. Can't wait to see where it leads you! Have fun!

shirley fachilla said...

I agree with SamArtDog. This one should be yours to keep. The delightful eagerness of Pablo just running all out toward the viewer (I guess toward you) is marvelous.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Martha! Your new triptych is looking fabulous...looks like the new studio is energizing you.

Don Gray said...

Thanks a lot, Shirley. You know, I never have a strong desire to keep paintings I've done. When I look at them they're always a reminder that I could/should have done better. Besides, I carry the richness of the actual experience with me and don't need the painting to recall it.