Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer Cottage

Summer Cottage
Oil on board, 11" x 9"
$425 plus $10 shipping in U.S.
Click image to enlarge

For check payment or other arrangements, email

A larger painting today. I stayed in this cool little retro cottage while I was in Tieton making prints. Seattle jewelry artist Lori Talcott owns the cabins and kindly let me use one. Though carefully upgraded, the cottage still made me feel like I had traveled back in time to about 1955.


Gary L. Everest said...

Hello Don,
A beautiful, evocative painting Don. Well done!

Don Gray said...

Thanks Gary--great of you to say that.

Pierre Raby said...

Love this painting (and its title), a perfect "souvenir d'été"... It is indeed pretty evocative.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful peaceful reflective piece of work Don.

Don Gray said...

Thanks for your kind note, Pierre. Hope your summer is going well.

Don Gray said...

Rahina, your thoughts are always appreciated.

Unknown said...

This piece really touches me. Reminds me of so many places that I've been and is so unpretentious.

Don Gray said...

That's a nice compliment, Aubrey--thnk you.

Deborah Paris said...

Love this Don. The painting strikes the same note as the place- quaint subject shown in a modern way. Just saw your painting on the cover of the Blick catalog. Congratulations!

Diane Hoeptner said...

Lovely! Yes, your buildings with sun and shadows are always so evocative! Not sure how you do that magic, but they are the best. The kitchen still lifes are quite nice too, so nicely composed. I'm with you on breaking from daily sizes too.

Don Gray said...

Many thanks, Deborah!

Don Gray said...

I really appreciate your supportive thoughts, Diane.