Wonderful piece, Don. I really like how you make it look so effortless. I know it's not, but you sure know what you're doing to just lay in those brushstrokes where you want them with just the right color. Inspiring!
Diana, you're very nice to say those things...wish they were true :) Of course the truth is many wrong strokes and misguided colors, followed by desperate attempts to correct so it looks like it happened effortlessly.
Wonderful piece, Don. I really like how you make it look so effortless. I know it's not, but you sure know what you're doing to just lay in those brushstrokes where you want them with just the right color. Inspiring!
Diana, you're very nice to say those things...wish they were true :) Of course the truth is many wrong strokes and misguided colors, followed by desperate attempts to correct so it looks like it happened effortlessly.
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