I'm in a slump.
Since finishing the mural I'm having trouble getting motivated to paint. I go to the studio every day and go through the motions, but quickly get bored or frustrated with my feeble efforts.
Having gone through these periods many times before, especially after the end of a big project, it's hardly a surprise. The real surprise is that it has been so long since I've experienced this. For over five years I've averaged several small pieces per week and kept a hand in larger works as well.
So I guess I'm overdue for a bit of burnout. I'll just try to be patient and let the batteries recharge. Thanks for being patient with me.
I have a weakness for all things dachshund, and this little guy is especially charming. Handsomely painted. :)
Don please rest so I can catch up on you some :) You do the best murals and I'd really love to read up on your complete process and journey. I LOVE the painting above!
Thank you Darla. Nice to get acquainted with your paintings--I like your "touch".
Thank you, Erika, but I think it's me who needs to catch up with you!
I appreciate the visit and your kind words.
Unfortunately, these slumps happen to us all. But it came to me a while back, that when I emerge from a slump, I seem to have experience some growth. Maybe we need the slumps to give us new direction. Anyway, I enjoy your work and your blog; hang in there.
Rose Hohenberger
Sorry Don, as Rose says it's all part of the job description. The dangerous question for me is when I ask myself "But what is the point of it?" That's when i go clean the bathroom (I can see the point of that). My experience so far is that I do eventually get back into the studio with if not exactly enthusiasm then a little curiosity and it usually kick starts me. Good luck!
Thank you and welcome to my blog, Rose. Yes, I think you're right about the growth after a slump. The fallow periods are often preparation for what is to come. I enjoy your paintings very much.
Hi Sheila--yes, I've been through these periods numerous times before, so I don't worry so much about them any more. The muse will return when she's good and ready, and I'd best be patient. Thanks for the encouragement.
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