Monday, March 17, 2008

Drift Patterns

Watercolor on archival paper, 6" x 6"
$125.00 + $6.00 shipping in US.

I was fascinated by these elegant drift patterns along a raised roadway. It took awhile for me to figure out how the strange combination of black and white formed. Here's what I think happened: Large snowdrifts occured earlier in the winter. Later, when most of the snow had melted and the upper layers of plowed fields dried out, winds blew dark topsoil across the drifts, turning them black. Then later storms drifted more snow in, covering the dirt. Now, as warmer weather arrives, the topmost layer of snow is melting back, revealing the dark wet soil beneath.

I think I deserve an "A" for my geology lesson.


Michelle Wiebe said...

This is beautiful! I often see the remnants of snow stuck in the grasslands out here and think it would make a beautiful painting, but have no idea how to capture it just right - you have!

Don Gray said...

Thanks for the nice comments, Michelle.

Anonymous said...

A+, Mr. Gray.

Don Gray said...

Allright--A+! Thanks, Silvina :)

Jason Waskey said...

I *love* the touches of blue shadow on the embankment.

Definitely 'A' material. :)

Don Gray said...

Hi Jason--thanks for the good grade!

Sherry DeGhelder said...

I enjoy your blues and oranges, Don. You gave this a nice mood.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

This is so rich for a watercolor, Don. It's really beautiful. I like the feeling of distance and space you captured, and the weight of the snow.

Don Gray said...

Sherry, I thank you for coming by and for the encouraging comment.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Diana. It has been great reconnecting with watercolor. I used to use the media a lot but hadn't for years.

Unknown said...

Hi Don,
Even though this painting is a winter/spring color value, it contains so much vibrancy... especially for watercolor! I also like the viewpoint - feels like I am climbing a steep slope. I give you an A+ for your reasoning skills (critical thinking). I think that is exactly what happened. Really a super painting!

Suzanne McDermott said...

Beautiful composition and, as always, I love the fine detail.

Sheila Vaughan said...

I have to add a 13th comment Don! This is an outstanding water colour. I love how you keep the colours so rich and the values so definite.

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Outstanding bold colours here Don.


Frank Gardner said...

Really like this one a lot. Nice choice to use the watercolor.

Don Gray said...

Joanne, great of you to take the time to write those thoughtful words--it is appreciated. Your new website is looking good.

Don Gray said...

Nice to hear from you, Suzanne, and thank you.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Sheila. So glad you're back in the blogosphere!

Don Gray said...

Thank you Jeffrey, for your nice comment.

Don Gray said...

Hi Frank, thanks for the encouraging words. Enjoyed reading about your workshop.

laura said...

Absolutely gorgeous, Don. A very appealing subject--I've been so anxious for spring to arrive, and all it brings, but this makes me feel a little elegiac about the snow--and the light is stunning. I can hardly believe this is a watercolor; there's so much texture and depth of color and tone, without any loss of freshness.

Don Gray said...

Laura, your words are so heartening. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Rhonda Hurwitz said...

I love this composition. it's a beauty.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Rhonda!