Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thanks to all you artists who have weighed in with comments on your studio spaces. My friend Rik Erickson from San Diego sent me these photos of his studio, along with this message:

"Yes, love my's a Dedicated Art Space physically and mentally. I share the place and rent with a friend and sculptor ($400 each). We are known around the area as the "artists" because of the public art on the building...Love having the ARTIST identity. Big 14 feet walls...northern light...huge the light...I can lock everyone out and isolate/create when I like...Need it for the canvas murals I create too..."


mike rooney studios said...

been lurking awhile and decided to jump in and plug you on my blog today. you made my Top Ten Bloggers List.i hope it increases your traffic.
love your work ethic too. keep up the good work.

Don Gray said...

Hi Mike. Wow, thanks a lot! I'm honored to be included in your Top
Ten. Nice work on your own blog--paintings full of coastal light and life.