Friday, August 29, 2008

By George, I think I've got it! Here's Ellie chasing the frisbee.


A Reason to Paint said...

Yep it works!
Although I'm impressed if you were able to use it for reference material - except perhaps to help you get a feel for her playful nature :)

Don Gray said...

Oh yes, Triecia, it was the only reference I had. What an incredible job, eh? :)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, Don, your powers of observation are amazing. I didn't even see the dog's eyes in this short clip. ; )

The pooch commission looks gorgeous.

Don Gray said...

It takes intense focus and concentration, Silvina. You gotta want it.

Thanks for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

Looks more like Lady Godiva on a white horse in a snowstorm. I enjoy all your paintings; Thanx!

Don Gray said...

I take it the video clip doesn't work for everyone--sorry, anonymous :( Thanks for the visit, anyway.