Monday, June 8, 2009

Gone Shopping

Watercolor on archival rag paper, 5" x 7"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.

This little garage is on a small rise of ground called Barton Heights, in Joseph Oregon. My mother lived on the Heights in her childhood, and tells stories of growing up here in the early 1920's. One of her favorites was the time her older sister Lena, just learning to drive, tipped the Model T on its side while going down the hill. (Nobody hurt.)


Katherine said...

Beautiful painting Don. Wasn't it beautiful up in Joseph this week end? Can you imagine living there in the 20's? Hardy souls. I visited the show at the last minute Sunday. It could not have been easy judging all that work.

Sheryl Parsons said...

Oh! I have a friend that lives on Barton Heights! The show was absolutely fantastic this weekend! We enjoyed checking in the art pieces and getting a sneak preview. The arts council here in Wallowa Valley is wonderful. I wish I could have gone to the Friday afternoon session for artists with you, but I didn't have transportation. I agree with Katherine, you had a tough job judging.

Don Gray said...

Thanks Katherine. It was fantastic--huge clouds hanging on the mountains...humongous thunderstorms and then brilliant sunlight...I loved it! Jurying was a challenge--comparing apples and oranges with 341 artworks!

Don Gray said...

The show was very well-organized, so thank you for your part in that, Sheryl. Would like to have met you--maybe on another visit.

Ann Buckner said...

I am admiring your versatility in both oils and watercolor. Beautiful!

Don Gray said...

Thanks so much, Ann. I do enjoy varying the medium--keeps me on my toes.