Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Granary and Hill

Watercolor on archival rag paper, 5" x 7"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.
Email don@dailyartwest.com for purchase

Talk about site integration. I loved how this little silo's roof aligned with the hill behind. Of course when it was new and shiny it must have stood out more, but now that the surface has aged and oxidized, it looks like it grew here.

The mural is complete! Now it comes down off the studio wall for a ride to Pendleton, where it will be installed on a high wall in the Convention Center.

Spring Pastures
Oil on board, 8 x 16 feet
Click image to enlarge

My extremes...from tiny dailies to walls of paint:


Anonymous said...

Exellent! This mural is just breathtaking. I hope I can see it in person someday.

Regarding the extremes; You go, Don! Moderation is for wimps anyway. ; )

Art By Erika said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Man what a beautiful mural and you executed it like a good soldier - swiftly and successfully bravo! Are you not tired of the green paint yet? :) Just how much paint did you end up using? And by the way, I'm impressed you weren't tempted to use 6-inch brushes :)

WOW whatever size, you sure put just as much passion into your work - you rock!

Art By Erika said...

Oh how do you feel about the mural? I think you've totally conquered it!

Jason Waskey said...

Both paintings are terrific.

Wonderful, Don. Really well done.

mike rooney studios said...

way to go Don. finished... and its beautiful. as a past billboard painter/illustrator prior to photoshop and scanning, i know what all was involved. you rocked it!

Diane Hoeptner said...

WOW!! It's HUGE! Oh my, so wonderful Don, what an accomplishment!! Great pictures, too. (:

Don Gray said...

That's right, Silvina--who needs moderation?! :>}

Thanks for the kind words.

Don Gray said...

That is a lot of green, isn't it, Erika? The murals use less paint than you might imagine though, since it is applied pretty thinly, allowing the white ground to come through, much like watercolor. Next time I won't thin so much of any color but white, since quite a bit of paint is going to go to waste.

Thanks for the supportive comments!

Don Gray said...

Jason, thanks a lot--good to hear from you.

Don Gray said...

Hi Mike, thanks for your encouragement! I used to help a friend who had a billboard company--great training for a muralist.

Pierre Raby said...

Wonderful works Don! It's amazing how fast and talented you are.
Congrat for the large mural and also must tell you how I love your last small painting: Granary and Hill.
A great piece, touching and contemplative.

Don Gray said...

Hi Diane--many thanks for the support! Thanks for the visit.

Don Gray said...

Thanks Pierre, you're very kind. Love your latest bridge painting.

Jane Hunt said...

Don, this mural is amazing!! Great to see it contrasted w/ the little one!

Don Gray said...

Thanks Jane, nice to hear from you.

http://www.onpainting.wordpress.com said...

That watercolor tank is beautiful. You really are a master of different mediums.

Alvin Richard said...

Simply outstanding, the realism is better than in real life!!!!

Sheila Vaughan said...

Great stuff Don, you are making me homesick for my paints!

Don Gray said...

Thanks a lot, Onpainting (Bill, I think.)

Don Gray said...

Alvin, that's so good of you to say--thanks! Congratulations on your grand backpacking adventure--I enjoyed reading about it.

Don Gray said...

Hi Sheila--thanks! We artists are cursed, aren't we? Can't take a little vacation without thinking of painting. :>}