Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cherry Season 1

Oil on board, 6" x 6"
$125 plus $6 shipping in U.S.
Email don@dailyartwest.com for purchase

Brenda came home yesterday with a sack of big, luscious cherries. These three survived just long enough to be painted. They were really tasty.


Dogs by Bri said...

They look as good as the painting.


Anonymous said...

bello trabajo!!!! Felicidades!!!...Un saludo.

Debora L Stewart said...

Love these cherries. Great color. Simple but beautiful.

C Tanner Jensen said...

Cherries are my favorite fruit!These are glorious.Beautiful painting.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Bri.

Don Gray said...

Gracias, Isabel!

Don Gray said...

I appreciate it, Deb.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Tanner!--nice to hear from you.

SamArtDog said...

I thought I ate all the cherries on the planet this summer. Guess I missed these three. Glad I did so you could preserve them so well.

Unknown said...


Don Gray said...

Thanks, Sam. I considered painting these cherries from memory. I could rationalize it by what Picasso said: "First you eat the apple, then you paint it."

Don Gray said...

Norma, thank you!