Monday, March 28, 2011

Staring Contest

Staring Contest

Watercolor on archival paper, 10.5" x 9"
$325 plus $7 shipping in U.S.

This was a demo painted in my watercolor workshop last weekend. It was done as a "loosening up" exercise, designed to show a fluid, color-mingling approach to the medium. I don't know how useful it was to the group, but it was a helpful reminder to me of that spontaneous, intuitive dance with disaster that can make painting with watercolor so exciting.

I came across this quote at Painting Perceptions by the artist Ken Kewley that seems applicable:

In painting you never do what you set out to do. Something else happens. If it always turns out right you are probably doing something wrong. Do not try to make a picture of something. Make something.


Susan Roux said...

I like this. You gave it such authority with your placement. Mooooo...

Gary Keimig said...

great watercolor Don. It demands attention.

SamArtDog said...

Great title.
Great cow.
Great quote.

C Tanner Jensen said...

Oh Don,this is fabulous.Everything about this painting is right.I love it.

Linda Popple said...

The title is perfect for your painting! Love it!

I also like the quote you shared! A good thing to remember.

Marilyn Flanegan said...

wow - love this. I second all the afore mentioned comments, Don. pure joy!

I also concur with the quote you included by Ken Kewley. No matter how many studies I create to convey a predetermined message - each painting has something to add to the conversation.

Don Gray said...

Thanks, Susan. Moooo to you too!

Don Gray said...

Hi Gary--thanks a lot.

Don Gray said...

Great Scott!--thanks, Sam!

Don Gray said...

Hi Tanner, great to hear from you--thanks!

Don Gray said...

Thank you Linda--much appreciated!

Don Gray said...

Thanks for those encouraging words, Marilyn. Kewley's words remind me that it's less about control and more about giving oneself to the process.